
Viewing 225 - 240 out of 304 posts


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Brettzel Stretch for Stretching from Ankles to Shoulders VIDEO

Brettzel stretch to stretch from you ankles to your shoulders.  Great for runners and cyclists and for restoring the rotation in your torso. Read More

Plank to Toe Touch for Mobility and Stability VIDEO

Plank to toe touch is great for mobility of the ankles, calves, hamstrings, back and shoulders.  This is also great for core and shoulder stability.   Read More

Gorilla Squat for Ankle, Knee, Hip and Low Back Mobility VIDEO

Try the Gorilla Squat for improving the mobility and flexibility of the ankles, knees, hips and low back. Read More

Easy Posture Trick for Text Neck VIDEO

Easy posture check trick so you know when you have your head in the right position for good posture. Read More

Improve Overhead Flexibility and Shoulder Mobility VIDEO

Stretch the lats and triceps while opening up the shoulders and upper back with the Butcher Block Stretch. This will help improve overhead flexibility and shoulder mobility. Read More

Back, Neck and Hip Pain Relief with Adjustment with Dr. Venessa DC VIDEO

Back, Neck and Hip Pain Relief with Adjustment with Dr. Venessa. Read More

Standing Snow Angels for Improved Posture and Shoulder Pain VIDEO

Standing Snow Angels This is a great exercise to improve posture which will help with upper back pain, neck pain, and headaches.  This is also great for strengthening the shoulders.  Read More

Relieve Pain and Stiffness Between the Shoulder Blades With This Easy Mobility Exercise VIDEO

Relieve pain and stiffness between the shoulder blades.   Easy mobility break to do at work.  Read More

Fix Your Sitting Texting Posture to Prevent or Relieve Neck Pain and Headaches VIDEO

Check your posture when you are texting, then try this quick fix for neck pain and headache relief. Read More

Combat Text Neck With 2 Easy Exercises VIDEO

Neck pain and headache relief by combating text neck with these two easy exercises.   Read More

DIY Release Pain, Tightness, and Spasm Between the Shoulder Blades VIDEO

Release the pain, tightness and spasm between the shoulder blades yourself with a lacrosse ball.  Keep a lacrosse ball in your desk at work and use it often.  Read More

DIY Release for Plantar Fasciitis or Tired Sore Feet VIDEO

DIY Release For Feet Use a lacrosse ball to loosen up your feet after wearing heel or boots.  This is also great for Plantar Fasciitis relief.   Read More

Shoulder Mobility, Injury Prevention and Warm up VIDEO

Shoulder mobility drill that is great for the shoulders and the scapula. A great way to increase range of motion, injury prevention and to warm up and wake up the Read More

Easy Tension Headache Relief at Home - VIDEO

When you can't make it in to see me, here are some easy ways to ease the tension and pain of a tension headache.   Read More

Top 3 Tips for Taking Your Multivitamin

Here are three tips to keep in mind when taking your multivitamin. Three tips for taking a multivitaminTake it with food: By taking your multivitamin with food you ensure optimal absorption. Read More

Adductor Dips for Hip Pain and Stiffness VIDEO

Half Kneeling Adductor Dips This exercise opens up the adductors (groin area) and is great for hip pain or stiffness, back pan or stiffness, and also knee pain. Read More

Viewing 225 - 240 out of 304 posts


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