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World's Greatest Stretch - Day 1 Movement Challenge 2020

Day 1 - World's Greatest StretchLengthen and strengthen - hips, ankles and spine. Read More

Shoulder Pain Fix with Infraspinatus Release VIDEO

The infraspinatus is one of the four muscles of the rotator cuff.  It gets injured most commonly from poor posture or repetitive motions.  When it is not working at its Read More

Upper Body Stretches to do on an Airplane VIDEO

Sitting in a cramped seat on an airplane can cause stiffness and achiness.Try these simple stretches and exercises for the neck and upper body when you are stuck on an Read More

Lower Body and Back Stretches to do on the Airplane VIDEO

Sitting in a cramped seat on an airplane can cause stiffness and achiness.Try these simple stretches and exercises for the low back and legs when you are stuck on an Read More

Hamstring and Hip Flexor Mobility Flow VIDEO

Quick and easy way to loosen up the hamstrings and hip flexors!    Great after you have been sitting for extended periods which leads to tight hip flexors! Or add to your Read More

Strengthen Your Neck - Neck Plank VIDEO

Strengthen your neck! Poor posture and muscle imbalances can lead to neck pain.  The most common muscle imbalance I see is due to poor posture.  Weakness is in the deep neck Read More

Relieve Shoulder, Upper Arm and Elbow Pain with Triceps Release VIDEO

Tight Triceps can: -Cause shoulder pain-Cause elbow pain-Limit your shoulder range of motion-Cause pain in the back of the upper armLoosen the triceps with a foam roller or lacrosse ball! Read More

Relax... Legs Up The Wall VIDEO

Legs up the Wall Gentle stretch for the low back and hamstringsRelax, relieve tension and stressHelps reduce swelling and pain in feet and legs - great after flying, workouts or sitting/standing Read More

Desk Set Up Fix VIDEO

Check Your Desk Quick tips:Don’t slouch! Slouching puts more pressure on the discs and vertebrae of your back.The monitor should be placed directly in front of you, with the top at approximately eye Read More

Sit Spin Mobility Challenge VIDEO

Mobility Challenge - Mobility is important for reducing your risk of injury! Give this a try.  Read More

Unwind The Spine with a Twist VIDEO

Relieve tension, pain and stiffness in the hips, back, shoulder and chest with this easy stretch. This is one of my favorite stretches!  I do it every day! Read More

Microbreak to Prevent Desk Injuries and Prevent Pain and Headaches VIDEO

Micro-break for preventing desk injuries, headaches, neck pain and back pain.   Micro Break: Any short break you take from your work during the dayHelpsImprove your ability to concentrateReduce stressAvoid common Read More

Pigeon Pose for Tight Hips and Low Back Pain VIDEO

Pigeon Pose Tight hips cause muscles imbalances and compensations that commonly contribute to low back pain. Read More

DON'T Crack Your Own Neck - VIDEO

DON'T Crack Your Own Neck! Cracking your neck improperly can lead to:Pinched nervesHeadachesSprained jointsStrained musclesInstability Read More

Stick Mobility Challenge VIDEO

Mobility is important for reducing your risk of injury!  When you are unable to move correctly or fully through your full range of motion, it can cause compensations, muscle imbalances, Read More

No More Sit-ups! Try the Curl Up Instead

No More Sit-ups!  Sit-ups and crunches flex the low back which is the exact mechanism for disc herniation. Instead try the curl up to work the core without flexing the spine. Read More

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